Spectacular Spider-Man animated. Trip to Disneyland Part 5



Got the show we were working on done.  I worked a bit of overtime, which wasn’t so bad.  The show looks good. I saw it yesterday morning.  We were really cranking away on Monday and Tuesday.  I felt I little bad about leaving “on time” Tuesday, but they weren’t going to pay me if I had stayed.  Also, I needed to pick up the kids from daycare on time, so I couldn’t have stayed anyway.

Wednesday I started helping out on a different crew.  This will be only for a few days before I’m put on my new “official” crew.


For Part 0, CLICK HERE.

For Part 1, CLICK HERE.

For Part 2, CLICK HERE.

For Part 3, CLICK HERE.

For Part 4, CLICK HERE.

Finally we made our way to Mickey Mouse’s house.


Minnie Mouse’s house was next door and we saw she was at the door getting her picture taken with kids.  Munchkin wanted to go to Mickey’s house first though.  She was very excited. The Kids had fun going on all the furniture and playing with all the cartoony props.  I thought the house was the main attraction.  I didn’t realize the house was part of the line.  There were so few people there, that there was no line.  While playing Munchkin suddenly began asking:


I’d been at this house before but for some reason I didn’t remember meeting Mickey Mouse or getting my picture taken with him.  I didn’t realize at the time that we would actually see him but I started getting the hint the farther into the house we went.  We finally made it to the room where there where showing “trailers” of Mickey Mouse movies.


It was all we could do to keep Munchkin still once she knew we were going to see him.  She wanted to see Mickey reaaalllly bad.  She just jumped around anxious.

Soon the moment of truth came and we made our way “back stage” to see Mickey.  They opened the doors and we walked in.

Mickey’s Shadow

Munchkin went stiff when she saw Mickey.  Rather than drag her to him I picked her up and told her to say, “hi,” and give Mickey a hug.  Which she did, like a good little trooper.  We then got our pictures taken with him.


Afterward, we left the house. I think that must have really broken Munchkin from her fright of the characters because seconds after coming out of the house, she declared she wanted to go meet Minnie Mouse.


To be continued…

For Part 6, CLICK HERE.


I was recently able to buy the whole first season of The Spectacular Spider-Man on DVD from Amazon, really cheap. I was not able to follow it on TV since I’m really bad about watching TV in general.  I’d rather buy or rent the DVDs of a show I’m interested in and watch it at my leisure.

I put the show in and sat down to watch it with Munchkin one night after Dante was put to bed (it was past his bedtime). We were blown away.  Me more than her.  I had seen two full episodes a while back when I became aware of the show and I thought it was great but, now that I’ve seen the entire season, I must say that, it’s the best Spider-Man animated cartoon I’ve ever seen.  It’s fantastic!

It’s as well written as my current favorite Spider-Man comic, Ultimate Spider-Man but it’s somehow much more true to the original source materials while still keeping it contemporary.  Also, I love the design of the show, which was established by Sean “Cheeks” Galloway. I met him once in Portos in Burbank when I went out to eat with Paul and Tommy. We saw him there and recognized him so we introduced ourselves. He’s a really nice guy.

In any case, if you haven’t see this show and you like Spider-Man or are interested in what the original Spider-Man comics felt like when you read them, this is the show. It made me want to take out my old Spider-Man comics out and re-read them all.


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