Our fifth wedding anniversary, Munchkin’s Birthday. Rosaries and Deaths in the family. Raul’s new blog and podcast



Not much to tell. Just plugging away at the scenes I need to finish.


This weekend was a very eventful one.  It began Friday. Alesha and I celebrated five years of marriage.  Well…we technically didn’t celebrate it until Saturday.  We gave each other presents on Friday.  I got her some “hair goop” that she wanted and a book I thought she would enjoy (Here There be Dragons by James A. Owen). She gave me a board game. A very cool one I wanted. It had won the German Game of the Year this year.  Big honor in the board game community.  It’s called Dominion.

Friday, instead of going out for our anniversary, we ended up NOT spending the day together at all.  I got home and went to a Rosary that was being held at my Cousin Carolina’s house. Alesha was planning to go too but Dante decided he reealllly wanted to go to bed for the night.  We kinda didn’t have a choice.  One of us had to stay home with him so Munchkin and I went to the Rosary together.  Munchkin had a blast playing with her cousin Eduardito.  They played pretty hard.  It looked like an awful lot of work to be playing as hard as they were.  I was very happy to see them enjoying themselves as much as they did.  I was really tired myself.  Problem is, when I’m really tired or stressed or emotional, I tend to want to be by myself.  Being around people and attempting to socialize just about kills every ounce of energy I have.  I spent most of the time playing a video game on my DS while listening to conversations other people around me were having.  I tend to isolate myself so much I don’t really have anything relevant to say to anyone about any subjects people bring up at parties so I end up listening and, by default, learning a few things.

Praying the Rosary in a group is very enjoyable to me.  I always feel happier after it’s over.  It always brings home what’s important in life.

We left at about nine o’clock and of course, Munchkin didn’t want to leave.

Saturday was spent, mostly, with the kids, but we had made arrangements with my mom to take care of the kids at four so Alesha and I could go on a date. Our date was a simple dinner and a movie.  It had been a long time since we had eaten Japanese.  I was desperate for some sushi.  I love that stuff. So we went to a Japanese restaurant near us that has a really good reputation.  It was great.   We had a very enjoyable dinner.  We then went to go see the GI Joe movie.  It was a highly entertaining, ridiculously stupid and silly movie.  We had a fantastic time watching it and we had just as much fun laughing at how cheesy it was afterward. I’d so buy that movie when it comes out on DVD.  It’s that lame and fun.

We then picked up the kids, who were asleep by then, but who had just as good a time with my parents as Alesha and I had on our date. After we put them to bed, we opened up a bottle of the wine we always open on our anniversary and watched The Princess Bride in bed until we fell asleep.  It was a great date night.

The next day was Munchkin’s birthday.   The kids must have had a really tiring day the day before because they didn’t wake up at seven on their own the way they usually do.  By a quarter till eight, they were still asleep  and it didn’t seem like they were going to wake up anytime soon. I woke Munchkin up and told her it was her birthday. She acted as though the whole idea was surreal to her. She was given a special birthday breakfast of pancakes with sprinkle on it.  Afterward we all got ready for church.  Alesha and I made the huge mistake of going to a ten o’clock Mass with the kids.  It was a mistake because that was Dante’s nap time.  He was sleepy and cried pretty much the whole time.  Alesha missed most of the Mass because she had to take him out the church. When we got back we put both kids down for a nap.  They had both fallen asleep in the car.

I took this time to go get Munchkin a present.  I had an idea of what I wanted to get her but the store that had what I wanted was closed. I ended up getting her something else. Alesha was desperate for me to get back home.  Dante had woken up crying and there was no consoling him.  I had to stop and get some things Alesha wanted at the store and then I hurried home as fast as I could.  We needed to get to my parents as soon as possible so Alesha could help my mom with the food.  Dante cried the whole way.   We suspect that, since he is teething, it had to do with that.  We had given him something for the pain but it didn’t stop him from crying. He had been crying for about an hour and half when we pulled up to my parent’s house. Then, when Dante saw my dad, he stopped.  We’re still not sure what it was all about.

Munchkin had a blast at her party.  She played with her cousins and had a great time. She opened presents and got lots of nice gifts.  The last gift she got was a plastic princess crown and jewelry.  The party ended around eight.  We really needed to leave so the kids could be put to bed. They had to wake up early to go to daycare the next day.




My cousin Tony passed away early Monday morning. He had neuro muscular dystrophy. I want to write more but I can’t…except to say that my one regret is that I wish I would have spent some time with him while he was still alive…but was too much of a coward to do so. I spent no time with him at all, either healthy or sick. Please pray for him and the family. Especially his widow.


Raul has decided to go multimedia. He now has a blog and a podcast.  You can find them at: http://manvsart.com/. He’s got two episodes up. An intro episode and a second episode.  The second one is darn entertaining and he made me laugh.  Go check it out.

Self portrait

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