Three Books on Comedy Worth Having.


BOOKS – Three Books on Comedy Worth Having

screen-shot-2012-03-18-at-11-45-32-amSimpsons Quote:

Krusty: Did you hear about the blonde who tried to make ice? She forgot the recipe! How come you don’t see many blonde snowwomen? It takes too much time to hollow out the head!
Bart Simpson: [laughing] He sure got you pegged, blondie.
Lisa Simpson: You’re blond too, you know.
Bart Simpson: Blond boys aren’t dumb, they’re evil, like in Karate Kid or World War II.

If you’re as interested in storytelling as I am, you’ve probably read a of books on story.

Adding levity in a story is one of the many things one can do to make a story more fun.  Today I’m going to be recommending my favorite books on comedy. I’ve found them to be very helpful, insightful and great reads.

You can either watch the video or read the post below.  It’s basically the same information:

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 Getting Better at Being Funny

I’m really interested in comedy.  I like writing jokes.  I’ve been doing it since I was in elementary school.

I’m really interested in improving my comedy, because I enjoy doing comedic cartoons and comics.

I’ve three recommendations for books that I’ve found to be very helpful when it comes to comedy.  So let’s get to it.

Three Great Books on Comedy

Comedy Writing Secrets: The Best-Selling Book on How to Think Funny, Write Funny, Act Funny, And Get Paid For It, 2nd Edition
by Melving Helitzer

This is the book fundamentals of comedy. This book is the book that gives you the foundations of what makes comedy work.  It talks about funny words, reversals, the rule of threes,…just about everything you can think of when it comes to the traditional foundations of comedy.  I say “traditional” because the view point of comedy in this book is very “retro.” It’s the kind of comedy you might hear Mel Brooks use. This book teaches very classic comedy troupes.

Don’t let that fool you though.  What’s in the book is pretty essential to know.  Great book.

The Eight Characters of Comedy: Guide to Sitcom Acting And Writing
by Scott Sedita

This guy watched a bunch of sitcoms and come up with the eight common archetypes that seem to be universal in all sitcoms.  INCREDIBLY useful to have if you want to have a launching off point when creating a comedic ensemble of characters that seem to universally work well together.

The Comedy Bible: From Stand-up to Sitcom–The Comedy Writer’s Ultimate “How To” Guide
by Judy Carter

This book is the compliment to Comedy Writing Secrets.  This is the application of comedy in a more modern way.  It talks about doing stand up in the, “what the deal with…?” style. But not really like that.  It simply gives you the foundation that most modern comedians use to write their routines,  ways to test you work, and many many other things. I really think you should get this book and read it with Comedy Writing Secrets.  You can get the fundamentals with one book and the modern application of those fundamentals with this book.

Serious About Comedy

So those are my three recommendations for books you should have if you want to get serious about comedy and get better at it.

If you have read great comedy books that you recommend, let me know, I’d love to know what they are.

If you get any of these books or even already own them, leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Angel Cowgirl



THE SIMPSONS NEWS – My Hiatus Ends and Dandelion Couch Gag

I came back to work this week.  I’m currently working on the revisions for show 1 of this new season.

Meanwhile, one of the Couch Gags I scrambled to board last season is out and is being promoted.  This is cool, so I thought I’d share it, so here you go:

VIDEO – Gaiman on Being Like Dandelions

Speaking of Dandelions, there’s this video making the rounds.  It’s Neil Gaiman making a speech on many things.  Mostly storytelling and publishing, BUT there’s also a bit on how to find the thing that will click with people.  It’s very interesting and worth listening to:


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