Adventures at Comic Con 2008 Part 2. Good news for Rosary Army



EDIT: (Okay, I’m keep the original post up but we are no longer accepting suggestions.  Thank you all who participated. Hopefully some of your suggestions will be used when the show airs.)
First I’d like to thanks Sara J. Monge for contributing a few more show suggestions. She sent me an e-mail. She asked me if we could use more. I e-mailed her back telling her we still could. I’m not sure if she got my return e-mail though. So just in case you didn’t, thank you. I’ve already summited the suggestions to production. So that everyone knows what shows she suggested, I will repeat them here, that way everyone know what has already been suggested and there are no repeats:

  • The Homer They Fall– Homer is a boxer. He gets hit over and over, but doesn’t fall down (4F03).
  • Two Bad Neighbors-Homer fights with Pres. Bush (Sr) and also falls at the end of the episode w/ Eisenhower
  • Homerpalooza-Homer gets hit with Cannon Balls and an inflatable pig (3F21)
  • Itchy & Scratchy & Marge– Maggie hits Homer with a hammer & the red paint runs into the drain parodying Psycho. (7F09)


Had a meeting yesterday about stepping up on our work load. It seems we’re falling behind. Personally I’ve been doing well just about every week so I don’t know what the problem is.

My Director Lance brought in a sculpture of Batman he made off of a drawing my friend Paul made years ago. It turned out really great. At some point they’re going to take pictures of it and put it on Paul’s blog. When they do, I’ll let you know so you can see it. It’s great. People were going in and out of his office all day looking at it. It’s always fun to be surrounded by so many creative and talented people. You never know when they’re going to surprise you with something like that.


Having rid myself of the Hulk (see last week’s post), I continued on my way around the Con. Past by a booth with an interesting sculpture under glass.

Feast 2 at Comic Con

Then as I went up and down more aisles, I came across two clone troopers oddly guarding a cardboard box that was labeled “George Lucas’ Good Ideas”.

Clone Troopers at Comic Con

When I was a kid, I always wondered why the Millennium Falcon toy wasn’t to scale with the action figures. Well, now I know.

Toy Millenium Falcon at Comic Con

For the second year in a row, the Dark Horse booth had a large partition with a life size line up of the characters in one of their Star Wars expanded universe comics, drawn by one of my favorite artists, Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes Star Wars at Comic Con

The Sideshow Collectibles booth is by far one of the best booths at the Con every year. You see all kinds of fantastic sculptures, props and things. It was amazing this year. They had life size Hellboy busts, and Ironman helmets and all kind of amazing things. There is just too much to see at the Con.

Ironman Bust at Comic Con

Sideshow Collectibles Ironman at Comic Con

After I was done going through the whole entire floor, aisle by aisle (which took me four hours). I decided to sit down for lunch. All the seats were taken in the designated eating areas and I couldn’t find an empty spot along the walls to sit down and eat because they were also being used. After looking for a while, I finally found an uncrowded place to sit and have my lunch at.

Castle Greyskull at Comic Con

After my lunch, I got a bit sleepy so I decided to take a nap. I had made a friend earlier in the day and he hooked me up with a place to sleep.

Jabba the Hut at Comic Con

After my short rest, I decided to go see some panels. After all, the panels are one of the best things about the Con. That’s where you get to find out the latest news about upcoming movies and favorite Sci Fi or Fantasy TV shows. When I inspected the Con’s program guide, I discovered, to my horror, that Thursday’s panels had none of those things scheduled. All the high profile, cool panels where happening the next day and on Saturday. I was crushed. I couldn’t believe it. I was going to miss out on all that cool panels. So that really stunk. I should make sure I come on a more panel friendly day next time.

Since there was no panels to go look at, I decided I was going to go see some Anime on the screening rooms. As I walked over to them, I checked the schedule to see what was playing. I didn’t recognize any of the shows so that didn’t help much. I was in the mood for something with Sci Fi action. I went in to a screening of something that sounded promising but it was something with characters talking about relationships and it was really dull so I left that room and went to another. The other room’s movie looked like it might at least have some action in it but the characters kept stopping the action sequences to have these long monologues about something completely incomprehensible, so it didn’t keep my attention. I started trying to come up with something to do. I decided in the end that, since I was at Comic Con, I might as well buy some comics.

I went back down to the dealer’s hall, and started off on my search for some cheap trade paperbacks. I figured, since there are many comic stores selling comics there, they must have discounted trade paperbacks to compete with each other for customers. Turned out, that was not the case. Not only where the comic stores at the Con few, but there was only ONE store with trade paperbacks that were being sold at a discount. You’d think Comic Con would have more comics. I was amazed at the lack of them.

One of the comics I was looking for was The Watchmen comic. It is being turned into a movie and I wanted to re-read it. Here’s the trailer:

I read a friend’s copy when I was in high school and I enjoyed it, but the story was too smart for me at the time. I don’t think I truly understood it. Now that I’m older and have a point concrete world view, I’m curious to find out how I would react to it. Since I don’t own a copy, I thought I’d buy it there, since I saw so many of them earlier that day. Turned out, by the time I went to buy one, the whole Con had sold out of them for the day. I couldn’t find a copy anywhere.

In the end, after wandering around, feeling disappointed, I ended up buying House of M trade paper back written by Brian Micheal Bendis and The Settlers of Catan Card Game. The other trade paper backs I saw that I wanted, weren’t discounted enough and I figured, I could probably get a better deal on Amazon.

So I left the Con. It was 4:00pm.

On my way back to my car, I happened to pass by a large crowd taking pictures up a flight of stairs. I looked up and saw a large army of Ghostbusters getting their pictures taken.

Lots of Ghost Busters at Comic Con

When I got in my car, I was still disappointed about not getting the Watchmen comic, so I intended to stop off at the comic store by my house and get it there. An hour, forty minutes later, I got back to my town and drove to the comic store, only to find out, that they had run out of the comic also. Foiled again!

Not exactly the Comic con experience I was hoping for, but at least I got a few good pictures out of it.


So my friends Greg and Jennifer Willits, from Rosary Army and That Catholic Show fame droped a huge bomb on all their fans on this weeks podcast: Show #238. I recommend you listen to it because it’s great the way the tell it. All I’ll say it that it involves Sirius Satelite Radio and 15 hours a week.

Congrats Guys! Sorry I didn’t draw you a picture but I found out too late in the week to meet my blog deadline.


I was at work last week when I randomly started thinking about Munchkin. It made me smile and then I got this image in my head so I decided to put to paper:



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