Finished Black and white Yoga logo. CARTOONISTA meeting. Drawing at the Warner Brothers lot. Munchkin’s drawings.



The pressure is on this week. We only have till Tuesday of next week to finish the story reel.  I’m doing overtime today all the way through Saturday.


Once again, I didn’t get around to finishing the color version of my sister‘s logo.  Going to church at lunch time for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, took away my work time. I DID manage to finish the black and white version though.  So here is the final black and white of the logo:

Yoga Black and White logo

Hope I can get the color done next week.


Went to a CARTOONISTA meeting last Friday.  We discussed plans for events that we were going to participate in.  As well, as magazines we were going to be drawing in.  It was a fun meeting with a lot of banter.  We were introduced to one of the newest member of the CARTOONISTAS John Narcomey who draws Ghostface.  He was a great guy.

I was also offered a art show for my stuff.  Unfortunately I don’t any “stuff” to display.  I need to get on that.

I sat around and drew most of the time.  At one point during the meeting I drew CARTOONISTA Raul Aguirre:


He saw the drawing and decided to retaliate by drawing me back:


It was a fun little meeting.


Last Saturday I made my way to the  Warner Brothers Ranch lot.  The Ronald McDonald house was holding a charity even there.  Artists were asked to come and draw for the kids in the event.  There were a ton of artists that came out for it.  Among them where fellow CARTOONISTAS Javier Hernadez and Jim Lujan.  The event was from noon to three.

The event was great. Both Javi and Jim wrote about the even in their blogs. If you want to read their takes, please visits their blogs and read about it.  Unlike me, they took pictures (which I’m in) so you could see what it all looked like:

Javi’s blog

Jim’s blog

Overall I enjoyed myself.  I wasn’t drawing my best at the beginning. I wasn’t going to tell the people I was giving my drawings to that I didn’t like them though. They probably thought they were great.   I drew a picture of Goofy for this girl who was obviously going through treatment, that I really liked.  It was the best (and last) Goofy I did all day.  I wish I’d taken a picture but that’s okay. I hope she liked the drawing.

From reading Javi’s blog, they past out burgers and hot dogs to the artists but I didn’t get any. No one offered any to me.  By the time it was all over, I was starving.  Luckily, I was so into the drawing, I didn’t realize I was hungry until it was over.

I sat next to Raphael Navarro the whole time and he was blowing me away with his amazing drawing skills. Raphael has worked at Warners on quite a few of the superhero shows. He’s also the creator of the comic book El Sunambulo. Man that guy can draw!  He was giving people fully colored illustrations of superheroes the whole time.  Crazy.

To my left there sat a Warners artist whose name I didn’t catch but had I had more time when the event was over, I would have gone around and introduced myself better to him and a lot of fantastic other artists.  Lot’s of my friends from work where there, including Drew Johnson the DC artist who is married to one of the re-takes directors on the show. I had to get home because the kids where asking for me, otherwise I would have stuck around and talked some more with Art Leonardi. Art Leonardi was the artist who organized the artists to show up.  He’s an old time Pink Panther animator among other things. He was recounting anecdotes to Javi about Friz Freleng and what a jerk he was.  It was fun.

Below is two drawings that I drew and gave away.  Just so you can see what we were up to:



I had a good time over all. I just wish I didn’t have to leave so early.


Speaking of drawing, I wasn’t the only one in the family drawing this weekend. My kids drew this weekend as well.

A few weeks ago I was trying to teach Munchkin how to draw a happy face.  This weekend Munchkin was trying it on her own.  For a three year old, I was very impressed and happy to see her figure it out.   I was examining her drawings and I could see her thought process very clearly.  I’m very proud of her. Below are her drawings. I asked her what the drawings were of and she let me know:






Maybe I’ll ask her to help me out on some scenes.
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