Happy Easter! Deadlines. Again with the Superhero Versus Superhero. Dante’s teething


Happy Easter everyone!

He is risen…


Stressing out this week.  This is my last week on this particular crew before I go on to the next one.  We need to get done with this show this week, no exceptions.  We are officially two weeks late on it.  It either gets done this week or it gets done this week.  Meanwhile I’m making up the hours I missed because I had to stay home on Monday with the kids.  Daycare was closed on Monday.  If it doesn’t seem like I’m going to get done, I need to stay and do overtime.  We aren’t in a good place right now. Man, I hate the pressure.

Meanwhile, our crazy superhero drawing thing continues.  Here are some more drawings we did a few weeks ago.  I’m not putting up Tommy‘s  drawing because I wasn’t sure it was appropriate for my blog but if you want to check it out you can go to his by clicking here.


Paul  drew Man Thing (Marvel Comics) Vs. Swamp Thing (DC comics).  Not too sure what exactly is going on but I think they are trying to squeeze each other’s hands real tight.  They fight because they are pretty much the same archetype.  Both are swamp monsters with the word Thing in their name.


I drew Dr. Fate (DC comics) Vs. Dr. Strange (Marvel Comics). Again, these guys are fighting because they are also the same archetype.  They are the masters of magic in their respective universes and both have a Doctorate.  I always wanted to draw these guys and this was a great excuse.  After trying to figure out what I could have them doing, this obvious silly idea struck me.  Most of the gags we’ve come up with haven’t really been all that funny, but we actually care less about the gag and more about the excuse to draw the characters.  Technically I could just draw them actually fighting without the gag, but it’s just not as entertaining for me.  I want to tell a story, even if it’s a light hearted one. 


Wanted to draw some pretty women for this one.  Black Cat (Marvel Comics) Vs. Catwoman (DC comics). Same archetype (ex-female cat burglars with a cat themed costume, who turned into good guys. Or at least aren’t exactly bad guys anymore).  This drawing was a complete failure on my part as far as getting the idea of what’s going on across.  This was meant to represent them both coming into frame at the exact same time and being surprised that the other person was there grabbing the same thing.  Unfortunately, the drawing doesn’t read that way at all.


This was the first Easter that my daughter was aware it was Easter.  She had a blast.  Saturday, we woke up early, went to a park and went on an Easter egg hunt that was organized for little kids there. It was my sister-in-law, Deborah’s, idea.  My mom and dad where there as well.  Munchkin had a lot of fun. Dante didn’t really know what was going on.  He hung around and looked around.  He mostly just got tired.  I came away with the realization that I need to take Munchkin to more parks.  She was so happy just running around on the grass and seemed to find all kinds of thing that would entertain her.

Later that night, after coming home from my parent’s house (which is were we went back to, in order to have lunch).  Alesha went to Easter Vigil Mass while I stayed and took care of the kids.  Three hours later, she came home with a big smile on her face.  By then the kids where asleep and I was at home watching The Passion of the Christ.  A movie I should have watched on Friday but I didn’t get around to.

The next day, Munchkin and I went to Mass together.  On Good Friday, when she discovered I was going to church, Munchkin asked if  she could come along.  I told her she couldn’t, mostly because if was almost her bed time, but I did tell her she could come with me next time if she wanted.  Well, Easter Sunday, she said she wanted to come with me so we went. The Mass was an hour and a half long and by the end of it, she was ready to leave the church but she was pretty well behaved through out most of the Mass.  She especially likes the “kiss of peace” because she likes shaking everyone’s hands. She’s asked to go to church with me three times now and one time, when we were playing with her toys, she played that her toys left the house to go to church. I wonder what’s going on in her two year old head?

Later that day, we went to the house of one of my Wife’s best friends and Munchkin spent her time there Easter egg hunting, playing and eating candy.  We left in the afternoon in order to give Dante and chance to nap.  We went to my aunts house where we spent Easter with my family.  There, Munchkin spent her time Easter egg hunting, playing, and eating candy.  She had a great time and was crazy high on sugar all day.  Dante was miserable because he was tired and uncomfortable. Mostly because he’s teething again, his gums were swollen and he had a blister on his tongue.  Poor kid.  I spent pretty much the entire time taking care of him.

The poor boy has had quite  a difficult weekend.  Monday night was a terrible night for him.  He’s slowly getting better now. Still, I feel so bad for him. Dante didn’t have a good Easter.  Maybe next year.

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