Simpsons season premier. Halloween.

November 6, 2008 in FAMILY, THE SIMPSONS NEWS

Season premier happened last Sunday with the Halloween special.  There was a season premier party for all the people who work on the show.  It took place at Universal Studios this year.  It happened at night. The park was closed, except for us.  We were only allowed to be around a small fenced in section that surrounded the Simpsons’ Ride.  As far as food went, this was by far the party with the most variety. All of the food restaurants directly around the ride where available to us for free.  That was very cool.

I went with my Alesha, of course, and after we had eaten and finished watching the show (which I enjoyed), we went on the ride.  It was the first time for Alesha.  I pointed out the things I had worked on as we waited in line and she took pictures.  We then went on the ride.  She really liked it.  I had fun going on it again as well.

Afterward Alesha wanted coffee so we went and go some.  I got a hot chocolate.  It was really cold and it helped out.  We left shortly after that, mostly because we didn’t want to keep my parents (who were watching the kids) up too late.  It was a Sunday night, after all.  Alesha hadn’t managed to finish her coffee before we left and the guard at the exit wouldn’t let her leave with her coffee.  He said that open drinks were not allowed outside the park.  She ended up throwing the rest away and was very annoyed after that.

Overall, we had fun.  Alesha had been very stressed out lately and going out, just the two of us, to a party with a ride in it, really helped her unwind.


This was the first Halloween that my daughter was “aware” that it was Halloween. Alesha got her a Snow White costume to wear.  I think she liked it, but I’m not really sure because she was a bit puzzled by it when we first put it on.

She went to work with my wife instead of getting dropped off at daycare with Dante.  There was a big Halloween celebration at the school and Alesha said she was had a blast.  Midday Alesha came by  my work and dropped her off on her way to do an errand.   There was a Halloween party going on at that time at my job, so it was fine.  When I took her out the car, she was asleep and I carried her around for about an hour because she didn’t want to wake up.  After she finally did, it took her about thirty minutes before she stopped being cranky.  She finally livened up and she started having a good time at the party.  One of my fellow co-workers also dressed up as Snow White.  Munchkin didn’t want to leave her side.  She wanted to be everywhere Snow White was.  It was very funny.  Everyone loved Munchkin and she had a great day.

On the way home, we stopped for the night at my parents house.  Dante and Munchkin spent the rest of the night playing with the toys they have at their house.  Dante had a great time too. There was so much he could play with, he was overwhelmed.  We didn’t take Munchkin out “treat or treating” because she was having too much fun playing and I don’t think we really had the energy for it anyway.  Still, she and Dante had fun.

She stayed up very late that night and by the time we got home, she was out cold.


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