Templars, BattleLore, Birthdays, and Pupusas



Not at work yet. I’m still going back the 25th and I’m going to be working on Lance’s show again. We still have to finish it after we get the rewrites.


So I heard (surprisingly enough in a board game podcast) that the pope pardoned the Knights Templar, so I decided to do a little research. Turns out that I’m still not sure what actually happened. There are a lot of different takes on the story and I’m not sure which one is accurate. The only thing that I know for sure is that a document was found in the Vatican Secret Achieves that deals with either the entire order of the Knights Templar or with just five individuals getting pardoned. In any case, I think it’s really interesting.

These are the four sources I read that talk about the story:

cephasministry.com – this one just has some information.

rumormillnews.com – this one rebuts the cephasministry.com information.

news.bbc.co.uk – this one gives you an unbiased overview of the story.

cnn.com – this one give even more good information but slants the story in a slighly negative light near the end.

So since Alesha beat me twice playing Dreamblade last week I thought I’d try another game this week. That way I might be able to win a game. The game I chose was BattleLore. The last time Alesha and I played this game, Alesha beat me. So we sat down to play the game while the kids where asleep in the afternoon. It took about an hour to play the game and Alesha beat me again. It was a close game but she won again. What the heck is going on? I can’t seem to win a game against her.

Can’t beat my wife at BattleLore or DreamBlade

It was my birthday this Wednesday, and my wife has told me she ordered Ingenious for me. Ingenious is boardgame I had in my BGG wishlist and she saw it there so she decided to get it for me. Below I’ve put a video from The Obsessed Board Gamers. It review the game and also explains it. It made me laugh. I’ve watched a few of their videos and I really like that they love board games but they don’t take them so seriously that they can’t fun of them, which they do in every review, it’s great and funny.

[video src="http://media.podshow.com/media/15871/episodes/98948/obsessedboardgamers-98948-02-11-2008.mp4" /]


Speaking of birthdays, my parents gave me a birthday dinner on Wednesday. They bought Pupusas and other other El Salvadorean dishes. My cousin Carolina brought refried beans and my brother’s wife Deborah baked me a yummy chocolate cake. We had fun, too bad it was a Wednesday night because everyone had to got home early since it was a work day.

By the way I’m now 33.


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