Deadlines. Comedian talk craft. Rereading second draft of my treatment. Alice in Wonderland sketches.



I’m having a pretty intense week.  Act 2 has a BIG rewrite. My director wanted it all done by Wednesday. I gave it my best shot.  There is a LOT of new scenes.  I thought I was going to have all week to work on the Act. I wasn’t so lucky.  Seems like my board revision partner got borrowed by David Silverman to work on something with him. I didn’t realize I would have to pick up the slack.  I really like this show and I wanted to take my time to do it justice.


For those of us that are really interested in the art of writing comedy, this is a great set of videos:


Last Friday, I finished revising the second draft of my story’s treatment. It works and reads better.  I decided to proofread it on Monday, only to discover that some of the things I changed didn’t get saved in parts.  That was irritating. It took me an hour and a half to proof read.  I didn’t think it would take so long.

Another thing I discovered while reading it was that I REALLY got specific at that end of the treatment with the action but I was much more vague about it at the beginning.  I’m not sure what I ought to do about that.  Should I start adding more specific action at the beginning as well or should I leave it the way it is and work out the action during the drawing process? It would save me a lot of time in the end if I figure it out now.  Although I might change my mind when I actually start drawing and then it would kinda be a waste of time.


I have an illustration to finish, as soon as possible.  It’s a ALICE IN WONDERLAND drawing.

I’ve been asked to illustrate the following paragraph from the book without using any text what so ever:


‘Tell us a story!’ said the March Hare.

‘Yes, please do!’ pleaded Alice.

‘And be quick about it,’ added the Hatter, ‘or you’ll be asleep again before

it’s done.’

Below is my first pass for the page.  I still have to work out the comps a bit but it a good starting point:


I’ve also started some quick, exploratory  sketches of the characters. This is what I have so far. The March Hare:


The Dormouse:


Below, is me, trying a rough of what might be the top part of the page:


I want to get done with this by the end of the week so I can get back to my cartoon.  The ALICE illustration is due in three weeks but I’d rather get it over with now.

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