Memorial Day blues. Jeff Smith’s process videos. More Alice sketches. Reading yet another book on writing.



When we have a day off like Memorial Day, it’s nice, until we get to work and realize we have lost a day and the schedule hasn’t changed.  I started on a episode two this week and Act 1 has a major rewrite.  Pretty heavy duty stuff.  I’ve been assigned some of it and my partner has the other stuff. I doubt we’ll be able to get through it this week. I hope I can finish most of it by Friday. I’ll need the extra time for the revisions in the other Acts I’ve been assigned.


Here’s a video of Jeff Smith of BONE fame, explaining his comic making process:


A few more preliminary sketches for the ALICE IN WONDERLAND illustration I’m working on. This time, I drew a few quick sketches of Alice and the Mad Hater.



I’m satisfied with the look.  It’s functional and it fits the style I had in mind.

I reworked the page comp so I could see a better representation of  the positive and negative shapes. I think it looks good. Now I just have to do is draw it and finish it up.  I hope to be done by Friday.



Looks like I’m going to have to go over my treatment one more time for another rewrite.  Why? Because I’ve been reading yet another book on writing. This one is THE TV WRITER’S WORKBOOK by Ellen Sandler.  It was recommended by a friend of mine who is now a screen writer.

I must say, I love the book.  Very practical advice.  It even tells you the red flags you want to avoid when writing your treatment.   My treatment is FULL of them, so now I have to go back and fix them. There is plenty of other advice from structure to dialogue to many other things based upon personal experience writing TV shows. It’s a very different book from the other ones I’ve read because it’s focuses on writing for TV, which is actually very different than writing for movies. At least, it seems that way to me.

I’m really hoping that all the work I’m putting into getting the foundations of my story in place, will eventually pay off in the long run.

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